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Music education practices in school marching bands: an analysis based on the narratives of their former members
Última alteração: 2022-10-16
This article is the result of a master’s research that investigated the perceptions and experiences of ten former members of school marching bands in the city of XX (XX) (XX, YEAR). Narrative interviews were applied and, as a complementary source of information, semi-structured interviews. Thus, the former members revealed subjective aspects of their respective musical training courses in the bands in which they participated. The reports were categorized, cross-checked, analyzed and interpreted based on bibliographic references from the areas of Education and Music Education. This study discusses excerpts from the testimonies of the subjects that approach the routine of rehearsals in school bands and the practices of music teaching in these spaces. It is concluded that the educational practices in school bands need to be rethought in order to promote a more participative, active, creative and open music education to diversity.
School Marching Bands; Music Education; Former Members; Musical Practices.
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